Jun 14, 2017 | Courses, Printmaking, Promo
July 10 – August 6, 9:00-2:00 M/T/W/Th Art 306, 506, 336, 536: Relief Printmaking, Adv Relief Printmaking, Serigraphy, Adv Serigraphy Four Credits, 306 prerequisite 212 and one of the following: 100, 108 or 208; or Art Grad status; or consent of instructor. 506...
Jun 3, 2017 | Courses, Promo
June 12 – July 9, 9:00-2:00 M/T/W/Th Art 104, 214: 3D Design, Sculpture I Three-Four Credits, 3D Design no prereqs. Intro to techniques and basic sculpture concepts to provide a survey of sculpture studio practices. Required for art majors and for 3D focus of...
May 17, 2017 | Courses, Promo
Art 100-002: Intro to Art May 30 – June 18, 9:15-2:15 M/T/W/Th Three credits, Open to Certificate in Art students and non-art majors. Not open to Art or Art Ed majors. Art 107: Intro to Digital Forms May 30 – June 25, 9:00-2:00 M/T/W/Th Three Credits, No...
May 15, 2017 | Courses, Promo
The Deadline is the 17th! Art 102: 2D Design 9:00-2:00 M/T/W/Th Three credits, no prereqs, required for art majors, also important for 2D and design focuses of certificate. Art 448-007: Glass Introduction to Lampworking (Flameworking) 9:00-5:00 M/T/W Four Credits, No...