During our one-week Summer Studio: Introduction to College Art course for high school artists at the end of June, eight incredible students experimented with woodcut relief and flameworking, with instruction provided by two of our fabulous MFA students, Teddy Benson and Heather Sutherland. Our high school artists took museum field trips, campus tours, made studio visits with art faculty, interviewed a glass scientist in the Chemistry Department, learned basic exhibition skills, installed their work in Gallery 7, and hosted an Open House for parents, friends, and faculty.
Since we offered the course for credit, all students also established a permanent UW-Madison transcript record. We give heartfelt appreciation to art alum Helen Burish for her generous donation to and enthusiastic support for this program, which funded $200 scholarships for each of the students and covered the cost of all of their supplies.
Thanks to the contributors who made this course possible, and best wishes to the high school artists who shared their creativity with us. We look forward to the art you make in the future!