Apr 3, 2020 | Essay, From the Chair
Dear Friends, I hope you are all safe and healthy. I must admit these last couple of weeks have knocked the wind out of me. I have written an essay a week for almost five years now—no matter what—an essay a week. But in the last two weeks I had nothing to share. We...
Dec 2, 2019 | Essay, From the Chair
I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be an ally in the arts and beyond, and how to do so generously and with an open heart. Advocating for those other than oneself inherently means that an opportunity for visibility may confer to the one we advocate for,...
Nov 25, 2019 | Essay, From the Chair
I was in Montreal for a few days participating in a forum on media and movement. On the plane both there and back, I had some time to catch up on reading and reflect on the way in which philosophy and theory interact with art. As philosophy and theory become practice...
Nov 18, 2019 | Essay, From the Chair
Walking in nature and walking in through a museum offer similar experiences; perambulating through the landscapes of both, chaos becomes order and becomes chaos again given our constantly changing point of view. While nature abides by its own rules of deterioration...
Nov 11, 2019 | Essay, From the Chair
There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole. -Traditional Hymn Why make art? Answers to such a question would vary of course, depending on who is asked; what their particular life experience is in relation to the practice of art, even the definition of art...