From the Chair

The Findhorn Foundation, in northeast Scotland on the Moray Firth coast, is home to one of the oldest intentional communities in the world. Located between Inverness and Aberdeen, Findhorn evolved from a small experiment in communal and spiritual living in 1962 to be...

From the Chair

Art does not speak for itself. Actions don’t necessarily speak for themselves. Both require context and prior knowledge of the histories in which they are formed to fully resonate. Art that intends to implore a political consciousness has an especially elevated...

From the Chair

Art is a wound turned into light.-Georges Braque As we continue to face a seemingly endless string of traumatic events, I sense that the role the arts can play in healing becomes an even more pertinent question. Last month I was walking in New York City and found...

From the Chair

I often revisit texts which have had an impact on me in the past. Reading them in the present re-positions those essays, chapters, and books in my personal knowledge map. Some move toward the front, some recede into the background. It is a kind of knowledge tourism...

From the Chair

Leaving the airport in Phoenix, Arizona last week, I took a cab to my next destination. I chatted with the driver about sports, in particular baseball, and he told me about sports he played growing up in Somalia, games that sounded like stickball or capture the flag...