Apr 23, 2018 | Essay, From the Chair
As spring began this past weekend I was burning off a part of my garden and, in a momentary lapse of focus, the flame from my asparagus patch bit me and quickly regained my attention. The scent of my own burnt hair stayed with me all day, reminding me how important it...
Apr 16, 2018 | From the Chair, Giving, Promo
The Art Department is full of great energy these days. We are building a new computer lab, opening new teaching spaces for students to learn the most cutting edge technologies, hiring new faculty and looking toward a bright and sustainable future. This is very...
Apr 16, 2018 | Essay, From the Chair
Art, like life, is full of recurring themes, variations on historical models and thematic evolutions. Those moments that create iconic visual images or objects are the very stuff of ephemerality; they are gaussian and recurring, yes, however the dependability of when...
Apr 9, 2018 | Essay, From the Chair
I gave a lecture to my Contemporary Art History class recently called Slippages and Resets: Re-booting Identity and Jump-starting the Art World. It begins with a performative, photographic self-portrait by the artist Renee Cox, Yo Mama, from 1993. It is a self...
Apr 2, 2018 | Essay, From the Chair
I want my students to know everything that I know; all of the history of contemporary art, all of the annotations of that history, all the artists that inspired and continue to inspire me, the films, exhibitions, and cultural events I have witnessed. I want them to...