From the Chair

I’ve been thinking about the idea of the sequence lately. When I think about sequential mark-making, Braille and Morse code come to mind as does the I-Ching, related as they are by the repetition of simple dots or dashes in groups that acquire meaning through...
Lather + Rinse by Kathryn Weenig

Lather + Rinse by Kathryn Weenig

March 14 – March 21 Location: Art Lofts (111 N Frances St) Description: “Lather + Rinse” displays collected contents of beauty products purchased and saved by the artist. A drug store turned inside out, the exhibition exposes the neuroses of testing...
My Country Tis of Thy People, You’re Dying Group Show

My Country Tis of Thy People, You’re Dying Group Show

March 31 – May 26 Artists: Tom Jones (Ho Chunk)
, Nicholas Galanin (Tlingit)
, Cannupa Hanska Luger (Lakota/Mandan/Arikara/Hidatsa)
, Steven J. Yazzie (Navajo)
, Winter Count Collective (Merritt Johnson, Cannupa Hanska Luger,
Nicholas Galanin, Dylan McLaughlin...