Nov 17, 2022 | ArtsatUW, Events, Promo
Saturday December 17 @ 9am-5pm Location: Glass Lab, Art Lofts, 111 N Frances St, Madison, WI Join the UW-Madison Art Department for our Annual Holiday Art Sale! Find the perfect gift for loved ones, including a wide array of unique prints, cards, glasswork, and many...
Nov 21, 2019 | ArtsatUW, Events, Promo
Saturday & Sunday, December 14 & 15 @ 9am-5pm Location: Glass Lab, Art Lofts, 111 N Frances St, Madison, WI Blow Your Own Ornament and Bend Your Own Neon are SOLD OUT! Come on out of the cold winter air, warm up with some hot glass and find some perfect gifts...
Oct 30, 2019 | ArtsatUW, Events
Wednesday and Thursday, October 30 and 31 @ 12-5pm Find them in the Lobby, enter the Humanities building through the open breezeway on the ground floor and go in the doors marked “ART” in large white letters. Support our UW-Madison student organization of printmakers...
Oct 11, 2019 | ArtsatUW, Events, Promo
Saturday, November 2 @ 12-6pm 12-3pm: Humanities Building, 6th and 7th Floors, 455 N Park St, Madison, WI 3-6pm: Art Lofts Studios, 111 N Frances St Over 50 artist studios will be open to the public at this annual campus event! Meet the artists, see their work, and...