From the Chair

The “art world” is expansive, porous and constantly redefining itself. While art in the current era pushes at the boundaries of historical models, there are still mainstream constructions of circulation and distribution that persist, that may seem...

From the Chair

When I was a graduate student in performance art, our cohort did a piece in which she stood in one place and spun around and around until she fell to the floor from dizziness. It was clear that in critique no one knew exactly what to say about what they had just...

From the Chair

I listen to the radio a lot. “The radio” is perhaps a misleading description, as I listen in the car, streaming on my laptop (which sometimes includes real time video), and I listen on a number of actual freestanding radios as well. I have a combination radio/cassette...

From the Chair

Art School curriculum, unlike (or perhaps similar to) the curriculum of other disciplines, necessarily needs to constantly regenerate so as to avoid ossification. As artists invent new ways of communicating ideas and new techniques for doing so, institutions charged...

From the Chair

For JR on his 16th birthday- We don’t get to choose what moves us or when we might be moved. I have often found myself drawn to works of art that, intellectually, I have no interest in or even that I find antithetical to my own esthetic. I have found that work...

From the Chair

I am in New York for a few days to attend a film screening and speak on a panel and have plugged into the generative energy of the city as much as possible. I am always struck, on these short intense trips, by the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated and random...