From the Chair

I’ve been thinking about the transition from drawing to cinema, how the practice of drawing from the live model informs ways of framing the body and establishes a kind of gaze that is recreated in cinema. Since the late 1970’s Sugimoto has been making...

From the Chair

Language is now the medium of choice in art schools. Rob Colvin, Hyperallergic I read a lot of writing by artists; manifestos, statements, quotes, interviews, and I listen to or watch artists speaking lucidly about their process and ideas in documentaries,...

From the Chair

The Culture Wars again?? Really? There has been a lot of shaming, push-back, reframing, and appropriation lately in all areas of public discourse. In similar historical moments of the modern era, such uprisings have been framed as war-like; hence “Culture...

From the Chair

I am conscious these days, as both a teacher and as an artist, of the increasing presence in our dialogs around the study of art, of language related to the notions of career or professionalism. I suppose that it is a logical extension of working in a university...

From the Chair

We are formed by what we have experienced; what we witness shapes us as artists, thinkers, and citizens. I keep a mental index of those creative and inspirational individuals whose paths I have crossed at one time or another, and often muse on how each interaction...

From the Chair

Events signify nothing, they signify only in us. We create the meaning of events. The meaning is and always was artificial. We make it. Because of this we seek in ourselves the meaning of events, so that the way of what is to come becomes apparent and our life can...