Wednesday, April 17 @ 5 – 6:15p
2650 Humanities Building 2nd Floor, 455 N Park St

Allan Wexler and Ellen Wexler are a collaborative team involved in projects that are interdisciplinary, including architecture, public and private art commissions, and museum education environments. Their research is about dissolving the boundaries between the fine arts and the applied arts, between furniture design, architecture and theatrical performance, between sculpture and interactive exhibition design and between the practice and the research of architecture, resulting in new ideas and innovation flourishes.

Allan has worked in the fields of architecture, design and fine art for forty five years. He is represented by the Ronald Feldman Gallery in New York City and teaches in the School of Constructed Environments at Parsons the New School for Design in New York City. Allan has had numerous national and international solo shows, has lectured internationally and has been reviewed by major art and architecture periodicals and newspapers. Allan has an undergraduate degree in architecture and art from the Rhode Island School of Design and a master of architecture degree from Pratt Institute. He has taught art and architecture for 25 years, currently in the Department of Architecture at Pratt Institute, NYC.

Ellen has a B.F.A. degree in Arts Education and Printmaking from the Rhode Island School of Design. Ellen has worked extensively in the field of arts education. She has developed a design and architecture curriculum for sixth grade students in the New York City Public schools (1994-1995), as well as written The Art of Looking: Teacher’s Guide, a publication for public school art teachers (2000).

Ellen and Allan have collaborated on several projects including Tables of Content, site-specific picnic tables in Douglas Park, Santa Monica, CA (2000) and Learning to Look, an installation at the High Museum in Atlanta, Georgia (1999).