December 1 – 7

Artists: Alyssa Ackerman, Mia Boulukos, Lena Carlson, Alice Hennessy, Shelby Kahr, Heide Knoppke-Wetzel, Rachel Miller, Nicole Rosenbaum, Emma Santoianni, Raja Timihiri, Zixuan Yang (Shirley), Tiannan Zhang (Sylvia)

Reception: Wednesday, December 5, 6-8p

Location: Gallery 7, Humanities Building 7th Floor, 455 N Park St, Madison, WI

You are warmly invited to the Advanced Painting Workshop Spring show “Houston, We Have a Painting.”

Space is hot right now, these painting are even hotter. Please join us for a celebration of art and the cool cats of APW. There will be refreshments, jovial discussion, and super cool paintings! Tom Hanks might even make an appearance, who knows.

Reception beginning at 6 PM (right after colloquium!) at the 7th Floor Gallery of the Humanities Building. The Gallery can be most easily accessed by the elevator closest to the Chazen! You won’t want to miss this show, make sure to *planet* in your schedule!

Show will be up from Saturday, December 1st until December 7th!


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