Douglas RosenbergOur department consistently ranks as a top fine arts program in the United States (U.S. News and World Report). As a graduate of the department, you likely take great pride in your degree and excellence in the education and programs we offer. This level of excellence is in large part maintained through the generosity of alumni like you, whose leadership gifts to the Departmentโ€™s annual fund ensure that we are able to continue providing a world-class education to our students year after year.

The flexibility your support of the annual fund provides allows us to invest in exciting new opportunities, meet unforeseen challenges and fund critical needs as they arise, and devote the necessary resources to long-term priorities that will ensure the strength of the Department for generations. I hope you saw my recent update on our initiatives to create a 21st Century vision for the UW Art Department, detailing our efforts toward the long-term sustainability of our programs and facilities. Soon we will begin a feasibility study to explore the expansion of the Art Department at the Art Lofts and we need your help!

On September 15th you will receive a mailing for the Universityโ€™s fall annual campaign, All Ways Forward. I sincerely hope that you will consider making a gift to the departmentโ€™s annual fund as part of the campaign. Please feel free to reach out to our director of development, Meg Cummings ( or 608.308.5504), should you have questions about making a gift.

Thank you for all that you do for the University and the Art Department. Your ongoing support will help to prepare the next generation of Badger artists, scholars, and leaders.

Very best,
Douglas Rosenberg
Chair, UW-Madison Art Department