The UW–Madison School of Education offers academic excellence in areas spanning the arts, health, and education. We are a proud community of innovative leaders, creative thinkers, and fearless trailblazers. Our talented students are committed to making their college experience a meaningful journey that aligns with their interests and helps them achieve their future goals. 

Following is a Q&A with Cam Erhardt, who is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts in Graphic Design with a certificate in game development and graduating in spring 2026.

Where are you from? How did you become interested in pursuing a degree in this field?

I’m from the Milwaukee suburbs and have always been interested in art. I can’t imagine doing anything else. I chose graphic design because I enjoy working with computers and have been doing digital art since middle school. My hope is that it will give me an avenue to work in the graphics industry within entertainment.

How did you decide that you wanted to become a UW–Madison Badger?

Madison has a great art program, it’s close enough to home, and I already knew the area. What really sold it for me was taking a tour of the Art Department in my senior year of high school and seeing how large the facilities were. The glassblowing (area) especially piqued my interest and I’ve had the amazing opportunity to take a class in it.

What has been your most meaningful experience with the Art program?

I did the first-year interest group (FIG) freshman year, and it was a great way to find a core group of friends while navigating being away from home for the first time. I had never been around so many art people before, and it was invigorating to be able to share that interest with others who were just as passionate. Simply finding that community has been incredibly valuable in my growth as an artist and in growing confidence in myself.

What class or professor had the greatest impact on you, and why?

My basic graphic design course laid the foundations for many invaluable skills I have been able to showcase in my portfolio and practice on my own. It gave me the tools necessary to know how I can apply my degree in different work environments. My instructor, Tamara McLean, was a huge help not just in class during critiques, but also in helping me find internships, something I will always be grateful for.

Have you had an impactful internship or field experience? If so, can you tell us about that experience?

I currently intern as a graphic designer for the School of Business at UW–Madison, which has been invaluable in learning about the ins and outs of professional work, how to present my portfolio during meetings, and getting faster at designs. It has made me more confident in my abilities and I feel more prepared to put myself out there in the workforce.

I also work as a substitute art instructor for an arts center. While not strictly design work, it has given me the opportunity to explore why exactly I enjoy creating art. Being able to share that passion with children and nurture their creativity is something I will always treasure. These two job experiences, from which I have learned a lot, have widened my interests in where I could take my career in the future!

Can you tell us about a time when an academic adviser helped you (perhaps with coursework/enrollment, learning about different academic programs, planning study abroad, connecting you to campus resources, etc.)?