Artists: Ash Armenta, Jonathan Byxbe, Melissa Paterson, Olivia Stevens, Tony Torres (Advanced Graphics); Isabella Covert, Olivia Eis, Allie Fish, Lauren Gossard, Hedi Ma, Jackie Seiss, Mary Shampo, Pranav Volety, Sidney Zimmerman (Beginning Relief); Jocelyn Chan, Meghan Draheim, Madelyn Mascotti, Sophie Rewey, Tony Torres (Beginning and Advanced Intaglio); Carla Christenson, Jillian Freund, Honey Herr, Noah Laroia-Nguyen, Misa Rodriguez, Sophie Van Gheem, Xinyi Zhou (Beginning and Advanced Lithography)
The League of Unapologetic Printmakers presents UNMUTE YOURSELF: a virtual showcase of printed works, created in the Fall of 2020. Online and ongoing now!