The 92nd annual student art show is now up and running at the Memorial Union, highlighting sculptures, neon installations and paintings created and curated by University of Wisconsin-Madison students.
Presented by the student-run Wisconsin Union Directorate Art Committee, the exhibit launched with an opening night Feb. 14 and will run through April 3. It is housed in the second-floor Main Gallery.
The yearly process involves WUD Art running a social media campaign, specifically directed at art departments and student groups, to encourage submissions to the art show. Students then decide who will be in the juried show and honor select pieces with awards.
“I was really happy with the turnout of the opening,” said head of public relations Arcadia Zahm. “It’s also a success when we get to enjoy putting the show together, and watching the show all come together is why I enjoy this position.”
Though Zahm, a senior, said there is no official theme, this year’s show featured a range of neon works, many of which were projects for a popular UW-Madison course, Neon: Light as Sculpture. Isabel Monti, who is in the show for the second time this year, said she enjoyed the opportunity to install her own work and the “nice flow of light and color throughout the space.”