June 12 – July 9
ART 242: Watercolor I
Watercolor I begins painting with watercolor and mixed media on paper. We explore both experimental and traditional uses of the media. Throughout each use, we maintain an emphasis on drawing, composition, and imagination. Last but not least, we go on field trips!
ART 342: Watercolor II
Naturally, this course is a continuation of the concepts that were addressed in Watercolor I. Thus, we continue to paint! We continue to explore experimental and traditional uses of the media with an emphasis on drawing, composition, and imagination.
ART 542: Advanced Watercolor I
This course is the next step towards becoming a master painter. In addition to the skills and techniques built in the previous two courses, we can now introduce transparent and opaque watercolor media. Furthermore, we focus on studio practice, making effective critiques, and, of course, field trips!
ART 312: Intermediate Drawing I
The exploration of conceptual drawing in various media. Emphasis on conceptual/formal solutions.
ART 512: Advanced Drawing I
Drawing course taught in a structured format where students work on various problems and issues in drawing.
ART 612: Advanced Drawing II
A continuation of Art 512: Advanced Drawing II.
ART 448: 2D Media: Works on Paper
Offered concurrently with the Watercolor and Drawing courses.
Many courses open to beginners, non-art majors and special students!