February 26 – March 4
Artists: Keith D Buswell, Bryce Dailey, Ethan Heier, Jordan Hogg, Katheryn Horne, Hailey Johnson, Ren Juza, Nika McKagen, Nora Murphy, Taylor Powell, Eleee Sharp, Jessica Sharp, Sally Sorenson, Sam Stretchberry, Daniella Thach, Mitchell Volk, Kelly Witte, and Amy Xu
Reception: Friday, February 28, 6:30-8:30pm
Location: Common Wealth Gallery, 100 S Baldwin St, Madison, WI
Join us on Friday, February 28th, for the Midwest Print Showcase reception featuring free food, refreshments, a door prize, and a print sale booth. This exhibit brings together 17 artists from Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Iowa, all working with different printmaking techniques including screen print, cyanotype, woodcuts, and more.