February 10 – 15

Reception: Friday, February 14, 5-7pm

Location: Art Lofts Gallery, 111 N Frances St, Madison, WI

They Did All Eat and They Were Filled (2025) is a series of paintings and devoted liturgical space inspired by archives of handwritten recipes and vintage cookware. The work calls upon what is holy, the transfiguration of text to body. Sacraments of the everyday shared upon plates now found dust-covered in antique shelves. A recipe book is an evocation of the soul whose crepe paper hands wrote it; for it is made holy by the hands of your grandmother. This is their body, which is for you, done in remembrance of them—matriarchs eternal.

“The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing.”